Stikky is for the curious. For those who approach life with a bit of wonder. Ordinarily, learning something new takes time, but luckily Stikky books are far from ordinary. 

As experts can tell you, our pattern-based learning method is the perfect introduction to a topic that interests you. It’s specifically designed to not just click in the moment, but stick for good. 

In just an hour, you’ll be surprised by how much you’ll learn — opening your mind, and the world around you. Curious?

When you’re ready to start, there’s Stikky.

Stikky Night Skies
If you’ve ever looked up at the night sky and… wanted to point out a constellation to family and friends, tried to find the Milky Way, wondered how to navigate by the stars,... Read more
Stikky Tracks
If you’ve ever… felt bored on a hike, wondered what woodland creatures are crisscrossing your path, wanted to know if there are bears in the area, wished to impress with your wilderness wisdom... Read more
Stikky Stock Charts
If you’ve ever wanted to… make intelligent investment decisions, minimize losses and maximize gains, time when to get in and out of investments, surprise your friends with your insight into the markets, take... Read more
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The Washington Post